My Love Story...well, I decided to get REALLY creative, and challenge myself to the extreme here--It's not all that long, but it's definitely flash fiction, with a twist of sonnet and a splash of ALL IAMBIC PENTAMETER! I don't know about you guys, but I'm pretty sure I just blew myself away. It isn't the best, but I completely feel 'one with Shakespeare...' I hope you enjoy it!
He woke up from the craziest dream he’d
Ever had in his non-conformant life
He dreamt of his childhood, and through his teens
A flash even of his beautiful wife
But of the picture images he saw
And remembered when he awoke, he knew
The biggest problem, she wasn’t his squaw
It was the face of the girl all in blue
As she walked her fingers across his chest
And his spirits grew for his mistress’ charms
His affair was in his eyes by far best
But awake now, he was not in her arms
He’d fallen asleep in a cave so deep
Into his mind, unconscious his life seeped.
A cry, he heard for his love was too far
“I’m dangling my dear-- an edge over here
I can’t see you and can’t tell where you are”
He reached for aching rear, and wretched in fear
His arm was trapped beneath heaviest earth
To save her was what he must try to do
“My mistress,” he replied, “not since my birth
Have I wanted something so much as you,
But my arm is held tight beneath a rock!”
She whimpered at this, held her composure
“You will be free, love, to come save the day
Or I’ll die here from overexposure!”
He tugged on his arm, but sadly stayed caught
He absolved to die, though his love would not.
The black bird of the deepest hole stood guard
And tongued his massive leather wings of doom
The insect eater’s guild drew up upon their card
For those who flourished on the dead here loomed.
Echoes of them carried deep into Hell
Where the odds were stacked high against lovers
And creepy-crawly critters reside well
In carcasses they build their perverse covers.
The drip, drip, drip off the stalactites
The rapid and unsteady pulse of breath
Whimpers from the lady, nearly falling
All these noises foreshadowed early death.
But from his jeans produced a single blade
His only hope to cut himself away.
“Come quick my love,” She said , “ farther I’ve slipped!”
He tensed his arm under the rock and groaned
As into his bruised flesh and bone he ripped
Blinded for a moment by pain he moaned
Cartilage fought him, and tendons did snap
While the poor lady cried all of the while
She knew not of the two inch and a half
Or perhaps just merely in denial
The surgeon swore at the virgin mother
Whenever he had but a breath to spare
One side of his arm-- through to the other
Love’s adrenaline kept him unaware
Free of the boulder, to his love he flew
Saved his woman and proved love so true.
He may not bring you Valentine flowers
His absent mind might forget a sweet card
Dumb guy might snot rocket in the shower
Or call our mother things we think quite hard,
A toilet seat up is a thrown fit, too
As is empty ketchup in the cooler
Gifts for your birthday are too much to do
And he may somehow think he’s your ruler
A diaper for him may be Herculean
A man, though sure does seem to try his best
Or times he’s drunk and can’t get the key in
There is something better than all that mess;
A man who without fail loves his queen bee
Will every time give his right arm for thee!
Wow, Chrystal...I'm really impressed. I think you raised the bar here! Great job!
ReplyDeleteWow. Just, wow.
ReplyDeleteIt's cool how I just slip into the the rhythm of iambic pentameter. You nailed some great turns of phrase, too.
well, thanks, guys! I slaved over that one, I felt my poetic musculars burning...it was really hard!
ReplyDeleteWow that was really good Chrystal. =) How creative to combine the story, the poem and utilize the iambic pentameter! Awesome!
ReplyDeleteChrystal...your amazing! I think I would have had an aneurism if I had tried something like that! Keep it up...you rock!