What is literature? To me, literature is something spoken or written which makes you think, and in turn warrants a need to be shared and passed along. Why write it or say it if it doesn't need to be remembered?
Who should write it? I should write it. You should write it. EVERYONE should write it.
What is Modern? When I think modern, I think abstract. It is a new way of thinking or doing, or the refreshment of an old traditional way. The way the book classifies the dates of 'modernism,' though...I'm not sure I follow. I think the modern period should be more contemporary, I guess because I don't think the '30s are modern anymore.
What is Regional? I think 'Regional' speaks to the values, core beliefs and attitudes of a certain group of people based upon where we're speaking about. For instance, the South has more of a romantic feel, the East Coast has a busy, self-righteous feel (biased?) and the West coast has more of a laid-back, liberal attitude. I suppose this is different, too based upon your point of view and your biases, because people from the East Coast may have a different view of their region vs. ours.
Which leads me to my next question....
What are our biases about reading unfamiliar texts?
1. Our regional backgrounds
2. Our values, morals, beliefs
3. Critical reviews
4. What we've read from the same author previously
5. Our education level
6. Our disposition to certain themes (romance, mystery, history etc.)
7. Language choices, is it easy to read?
8. Definitely motivation
9. Are we being made to read or reading for fun?
10. Mental blocks, for instance...My husband says he hates to read, but when he goes out of his way to find something that sparks his interest, usually he enjoys it.
11> Our upbringing.
12. Our fears.
What are your fears?
I have plenty, which I will share...since you're asking...Fish. Crazy, I know but I'd go so far as to classify it as a full blown phobia. NEVER will I be close enough to touch a fish, and have just recently been able to swim in lakes and rivers, although for some reason, the ocean has never bothered me. Go figure. I also am mildly afraid of the dark :) as well as being alone in the woods, most bugs, sexually transmitted diseases, death, the death of family, serious illness, failure, defeat, and most recently, bankruptcy.
What is the West?
I guess, my fantastical view that I imagine when I think "west" would be swinging saloon doors, gravel roads and gun duals in the middle of the road with the damsel in distress tied to the railroad tracks, only to be saved just in the nick of time by the dreamy cowboy who comes riding up on his horse out of the sunset. Also, with my distorted sense of direction, I think that West is always left of me, much like North is always forward. (I get lost often) But in all honesty, I think that West is synonymous with New. Western ideas, Western philosophy, Western frontier. New, new new. Freshness, radicalism.
A little Chrystal
Love her!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
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dark and mysterious

To be...Or not to be...
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